Certified Risk Adjustment Coder Certification Course

2-Teir Payment Plan CRC Course $535 (First Payment)

2-Teir Payment Plan CRC Course $535 (Second Payment)

The CRC 10-Week Course Starting date is 7/19/22. The course meets every Tuesday from 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm.

20 CEUS (Pending Approved By The AAPC)

JHMCI is NOW offering a course (10-week) for the Certified Risk Adjustment Coder Certification (CRC) to prepare students to sit for the CRC certification exam. The cost is priced at $1000.00 with a $35.00 registration fee (2-tier payment system). The course includes the AAPC study guide and CRC practice exam.

CRCs are in demand and find employment opportunities in a range of healthcare settings — from physician practices and hospitals to health plans and third-party vendors of risk adjustment auditing services. Because CRCs conduct specialized work and have a direct impact on healthcare revenue, they’re well compensated.

If you have any additional questions, please contact me at 916-524-4380 or via email: jhailes@sbcglobal.netI